Sunday, October 11, 2009

Here Comes the Bride

In a (very) small and (very) informal ceremony, Larry and I got married last Wednesday (10/7/09). We hope friends and family understand our lack of enthusiasm for a big production, preferring instead to have Reverend Selby perform the "ceremony" and a couple of friends sign as witnesses. Following is a blow by blow of the event.

The good Reverend Selby of the Universal Life Church of Modesto, California, rendered "Here Comes the Bride" and said a few words:

We listened intently to his sage advice:

Following the "ceremony," we took a group photo and went to dinner:

Our chalkboard announces the news:

The weather for the weekend was supposed to be like this . . .

. . . so we decided to "honeymoon" in Olympic National Park for the weekend. We did some hiking:

and stayed in the honeymoon suite:

Best of all, the Olympic Hot Spring just south of Port Angeles, WA, at the end of a 2.5 mile trail. Lovely soaking pools. Holler if you want directions.